Tuesday, April 28, 2020

GRAPHIC ORGANIZER - Class 3 (Week 4)

 Dear Students,

Welcome back to the library!! It is now your 4th week of classes. I sincerely hope you all have been enjoying the library class and the story telling sessions.

Today, we will have a story telling session. The short story I have selected for you is -

Listen to the story, very attentively and carefully. Pay attention to the setting of the story, and the characters involved. You will be summarizing the story in your own words, in the format I will attach below. You can either take a print out of that worksheet or simply draw it on a plain paper.

Have fun watching and listening to the story!!


Refer to the graphic organiser given below and complete it on the basis of what you observed and learnt from the story.

Note : Kindly comment with your full name, class and section.

Monday, April 27, 2020

STORY TELLING - Class 2 (Week 4)

Dear Students,

Welcome back to the library!! It is now your 4th week of classes. I sincerely hope you all have been enjoying the library class and the story telling sessions.

Each week you must revise and remember the RULES OF THE LIBRARY. Also remember to read some short stories in your free time, with the help of your parents and siblings.

For today's class, we will be listening to a short story called - The FOX and the SOUR GRAPES.

Before we start the lesson, let's ask ourselves a few questions :

1) What colour are grapes usually?

2) What is the meaning of the word "SOUR". Look up the meaning and learn how to pronounce it, with the help of your parents.

3) Where does the FOX live? 

Time to watch and listen closely and intently to the short story. Pay attention to any new words that you might come across. Write down these new words and look for their meanings and learn the spellings.


1) After watching and listening to the story, discuss the MORAL of the story with your parents and siblings.

2) Try to give another suitable name or title to this story.

3) You can write the moral of the story in a rough notebook, along with the NEW name you have given the story and make a few suitable drawings to match the story.

NOTE : Comment your full name, class and section below.

STORY TELLING - Class 1 (Week 4)

Dear Students,

Welcome back to the library!! It is now your 4th week of classes. I sincerely hope you all have been enjoying the library class and the story telling sessions.

Each week you must revise and remember the RULES OF THE LIBRARY. Also remember to read some short stories in your free time, with the help of your parents and siblings.

For today's class, we will be listening to a short story called - LITTLE OCTOPUS WENT TO SCHOOL

Let's start with the following questions :

1. Do you know what an Octopus is?

2. Where does an Octopus live?

An Octopus is a sea animal, that lives in open water bodies like seas and oceans. It is called an Octopus because it has EIGHT legs. An octopus's legs are called TENTACLES.

                             This is a animated drawing of an OCTOPUS 

This is another picture of a REAL OCTOPUS in it's natural habitat 

Now that you all know what an OCTOPUS is, let us watch and listen to a fun short story!!

TASK FOR THE WEEK : While watching and listening to the story, revise the days of the week with your parents and you can learn the spellings of the days of the week as well.

The MORAL of this story is, that even though the OCTOPUS was scared to be in a new surrounding and a new school, he learnt how to adjust and make new friends. We must never give up. We should always learn to adjust in a new environment and learn to make new friends. 

Note : Kindly comment with your full name, class and section.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

BOOKMARKS : Class 3 (Week 3)

Dear Students,

Welcome back to the Library.

If you remember, we had studied the different PARTS OF A BOOK, last week.

I hope you all completed your assignment to draw a book and label its different parts.

Kindly take the first 5 minutes of this lesson to revise and recall the different parts of a book, you can do so with your parents or older siblings.


In today's lesson, we will talk about BOOKMARKS.

You must be wondering, what is a bookmark??

A bookmark is a marker, made from paper, chart paper, cardboard, fabric or leather. This "marker" helps a reader mark the page where they pause reading their book for the day. Placing this bookmark on that page, helps them easily return to it when they wish to continue reading it. 

Refer to the images below for an example of what a bookmark looks like and how it is used :

Bookmarks often have drawings on then or motivational quotes from famous authors or poets or philosophers.

I am also attaching an example of a bookmark that was made by one of my students, last year.

The theme for this student's bookmark was : SAVE WATER
The student used a quotation about water conservation, and added a picture to complete and brighten up the look of the bookmark.


To make a BEAUTIFUL BOOKMARK. The bookmark should be made from a thick paper, so that it is sturdy and durable because you will continue to use this bookmark in your Library class once the schools reopen.

Important Note : April 22nd is Earth Day and we will be celebrating Earth Day this entire week. Hence, I want you to take inspiration from Earth Day and make bookmarks with relevant pictures and quotations about Earth Day or Environment Conservation. Share the pictures of your bookmarks in your class group. 

I also understand that at this moment, a lot of the students might not have chart paper or other arts and craft supplies available at home. If that is the case, it is not an issue at all. This bookmark can be made as and when the markets reopen and your parents are able to source the materials for you.

Note : Kindly mention your name, class and section in the comments.

Monday, April 20, 2020

BOOKMARKS : Class 2 (Week 3)

Dear Students,

Welcome back to the Library.

If you remember, we had studied the different PARTS OF A BOOK, last week.

I hope you all completed your assignment to draw a book and label its different parts.

Kindly take the first 5 minutes of this lesson to revise and recall the different parts of a book, you can do so with your parents or older siblings.


In today's lesson, we will talk about BOOKMARKS.

You must be wondering, what is a bookmark??

A bookmark is a marker, made from paper, chart paper, cardboard, fabric or leather. This "marker" helps a reader mark the page where they pause reading their book for the day. Placing this bookmark on that page, helps them easily return to it when they wish to continue reading it. 

Refer to the images below for an example of what a bookmark looks like and how it is used :

Bookmarks often have drawings on then or motivational quotes from famous authors or poets or philosophers.

I am also attaching an example of a bookmark that was made by one of my students, last year.

The theme for this student's bookmark was : SAVE WATER
The student used a quotation about water conservation, and added a picture to complete and brighten up the look of the bookmark.


To make a BEAUTIFUL BOOKMARK. The bookmark should be made from a thick paper, so that it is sturdy and durable because you will continue to use this bookmark in your Library class once the schools reopen.

The bookmark can have any drawing that you wish to make. You could draw birds, flowers, candies, butterflies, anything that you like!!!

I also understand that at this moment, a lot of the students might not have chart paper or other arts and craft supplies available at home. If that is the case, it is not an issue at all. This bookmark can be made as and when the markets reopen and your parents are able to source the materials for you.

Note : Kindly mention your name, class and section in the comments.

STORY TIME : Class 1 (Week 3)

Dear Students,

Welcome back to the Library.

Hope you enjoyed last week's story time and still remember the story that you watched.

I would like you all to take a minute to tell your parents, briefly about the story from last week. You can tell them the title, the summary of the story. This will just help you recall last week's lesson, before we proceed.


Today's lesson includes another short story :


Please click on the link below to watch and hear the story. Remember kids, to always pay attention while listening to a story.

Keep your ears open, and listen closely for any new words that you might not have heard before. Ask your parents to help you find the meanings of any such new or difficult words.

This week's assignment includes :

1. Pick 2 new words from the story, write them in your rough notebook, and learn the spellings of these words.

2. You can draw a picture suitable to the story, in a rough notebook. It can be anything that you find easy to draw, be it their house, the porridge bowls, the three bears, etc.

Note : Kindly mention your name, class and section in the comments.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

PARTS OF A BOOK - Class 3 (Week 2)

Dear Students,

Welcome back to the Library.
If you remember, last week's assignment required you to build a short story. I hope you all got the time to finish the story and were able to read it for your parents and siblings.

Today, we will learn about the PARTS OF A BOOK.

Please refer to the image below :

You must be wondering "Who is an author?" and "Who is an illustrator?"

An AUTHOR is the person who writes the book.

An ILLUSTRATOR is the person who makes the drawings and pictures for the book.

Try to memorise and learn the different parts of a book.

Your assignment for this week, is to DESIGN a cover page for the story you had written last week. The Cover Page should include, the Story Title, Author and Illustrator ( Your name ). And draw one image on the cover page which is a good depicter of your story.

~Make sure to continue reading short stories at home so that you are able to build a healthy reading habit.~

Note : Kindly mention your name, class and section in the comments.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

STORY TELLING - Class 1 (Week 2)

Dear students,

Welcome back to the library, this is your second class.
Hence, we will first start by recapping the library rules you had learnt last week.

Kindly watch the video once again to refresh and revise the rules.

Try to recall and recite at least 1 library rule to your parents. 



Today we are going to watch and listen closely to a short story - called "The Three Little Pigs"


You can take your rough notebook, and try to draw the 3 different houses that the 3 different piglets lived in.

Note : Kindly mention your name, class and section in the comments.

PARTS OF A BOOK - Class 2 (Week 2)

Dear Students,

Welcome back to the library.

If you remember, last week we had revised and recapped the "Rules of the Library". You must now be able to remember at least 2 rules that you're supposed to follow.

This week, we are going to learn the different parts of a book.

Please refer to the image below : 

You must be wondering "Who is an author?" and "Who is an illustrator?"

An AUTHOR is the person who writes the book.

An ILLUSTRATOR is the person who makes the drawings and pictures for the book.

Try to memorise and learn the different parts of a book.
Your assignment for this week is to draw a book and label its different parts.

~Make sure to read short stories at home so that you are able to build a healthy reading habit.~

Note : Kindly mention your name, class and section in the comments.

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Dear Students,

1. Welcome back to the Library. I will be meeting you once a week. Until school reopens, we will be conducting our classes on this platform. I hope to make this as interactive as our in person classes.

For the first week, we will be revising the Library Rules - kindly refer to the post and the video on the home page. Read aloud with your parents and try to memorise as many rules as you can. It is imperative to follow these Library Rules once you're back in school. 


Your first assignment for this week is - STORY WRITING. 

Refer to the pictures 1, 2 and 3 pasted below - and create a short story in your own words (use a rough notebook). Give a title to it and name the characters. 

                               Figure 1.
Figure 2.

                                                                                 Figure 3.

Start you stories with "Once upon a time..........."
Once your story is complete, read it aloud to your parents or siblings. Take feedback from them, and keep this story in your folders. We will have a read aloud sessions, once we are back in school.